Loreto College, Kolkata, and RIKA Institute ink MoU to promote research

Loreto College, Kolkata, and RIKA Institute ink MoU to promote research, and innovation in Disaster Risk Management. The frequency and severity of natural hazards are increasing. This year India has faced floods, cyclones, heat waves, and landslides in multiple states impacting lives and livelihoods. With the changing risk landscape in India, accurate interpretation of past and future trends, dynamic scenario creation, and real-time monitoring have become necessary for just decision-making and timely action. Considering research, innovation, and capacity building as crucial factors to mitigate the future risk of natural hazards, Loreto College, Kolkata, a premier women’s institution renowned for its inclusive education, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on 20th September 2024 with RIKA Institute Foundation, New Delhi, a not-for-profit organization to work on research, innovation and capacity building for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. The foundation derives its name from the Japanese word ‘Rika’, meaning science, and is committed to providing learners with the essential skills for addressing disaster risks. This collaboration marks a significant step towards integrating disaster management into the academic frameworks suggested by the New Education Policy (NEP).

The MoU will initiate several collaborative projects, including, the development of educational courses and training programs focused on disaster resilience, research and evaluation studies in key thematic areas of disaster risk management, conducting joint field studies to assess disaster responses and recovery efforts, collaborative publication and providing training to faculties, government officials and other stakeholders.
Under the aegis of this MoU, an announcement was made for the launch of a Certificate Course on “Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning and Data Analytics: Theory into Practice in Disaster Management”. This course is designed to equip students with knowledge of applying AI and data analytics to real-world disaster management scenarios. As Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction stresses using science, engineering, technology, and innovation to reduce life and economic losses and significantly build disaster resilience, this course is a step towards using disruptive technologies like AI and big data for disaster data analytics. These technologies can be synergized with robotics and drones for risk assessments, response, and relief. This course will not only support students in gaining theoretical and hands-on experience but also make them industry-ready resulting in increased employability.

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